Imprint, terms und data privacy
brictric e.U.
Owner: Thomas Chuda
Legal form: Registered sole proprietorship
Business: Rental of movable property except weapons, medical devices and aircraft
Object of business: Rental of game sets
Commercial register number: FN 357470t
Company Register Court: Vienna-Donaustadt
Company address: 1220 Vienna | Korbweidenweg 15 | Austria
Please note that the English Version of our website is a translation of the German version to the best of our knowledge. In case of doubt, the German version always has legal precedence due to the domicile of brictric e.U.
Consumers have the possibility to submit complaints to the EU online dispute resolution platform: You can also address any complaints to the e-mail address given above.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® Group, which does not sponsor or endorse this site. The LEGO® trademarks are used to clearly identify LEGO® products and are not intended to infringe any intellectual property rights. The company and brand names used herein are the property of their respective companies and are used herein only to describe and orient the items sold.
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